Thursday, March 28, 2013

Third Inspiration: Preppy Picnic

Get ready to see and SHOOT the cutest couples session EVA!  Equipped with an old vintage truck, some gingham, seersucker and lovely props and models!  We are excited to reveal to you the third and final inspiration:  Preppy Picnic.  We hope you enjoy!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Inspiration 2: Carnival Wedding!

Hello Close-up Friends!
As promised, we are so excited to share the inspiration for our second session, a vintage carnival-themed wedding! We are currently collecting all sorts of fun pieces to make our vintage carnival wedding come to life. We plan to showcase plenty of yummy colors and textures, unique vintage pieces, and lots of whimsy for you to capture. We are also very excited to announce that Wedding Wonderland will be donating a fantastic dress and accessories to make our look complete. Keep checking back because we will reveal our third inspiration scene next week. For more information just click on the "What is Close-up" tab.
  Early registration is still going on until April 1!  Click on the "Register" tab to get
 signed up.  Limited space available...

Monday, March 11, 2013

Children's Photography Inspiration Scene

Hello Close-up Friends!
We are so excited to announce our first inspiration scene for Close-up 2013!  Our kid's scene will focus on a super girly tent full of fun and whimsical details that any little girl would love.  We will have children models and clothing will be courtesy of Polka Daisies!  Keep checking back because we will reveal our next inspiration scene next week.  For more information just click on the "What is Close-up" tab.  Early registration is still going on until the end of the week, so don't miss out!

Photos courtesy of Pinterest

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Who's and What's: Workshop Details

Hello Close-up Friends!
I hope you are visiting our site because you are interested in our workshop and are curious about the Who's and What's of it all...  Well look no further, here it is!

Who is it for?
Are you a photography enthusiast looking to improve your camera know how?  Do you already have a budding photography business?  Do you currently specialize in a particular area of photography and are looking to branch out?  Well then this workshop is for you!
When you register for the Close-up Workshop, you have the opportunity to check your areas of interest such as tips on lighting, styling your shoots, growing your business, and so forth. We want to know this information because we want the workshop to be beneficial to you
Our two Pros, Rebekah and Leah are very passionate about their craft and will work hard to help answer your questions by relating it to their own personal experiences and skills.  Our goal is to keep this workshop intimate so no one is afraid to ask questions!

What you will see...
Those details are a fun little secret that we want to keep for now, but we will say that there will be THREE heavily styled sets featuring children, wedding, and family categories!

When and Where?
We are so excited to have our friends at Chez Lily on board for this April 20th event.  If you haven't seen their awesome pavilion and grounds, you are sure to be pleased.  Chez Lily is a quaint little setting off of Clinton Hwy in the Powell area and will be perfect for the 3 styled settings that are planned!
We want the day to flow seamlessly from 9am-3pm, starting with a short meet and greet in the morning, 2 speakers, lunch, open forum for questions and then 3 rotations of mentored shooting.  All Close-up attendees will receive a detailed itinerary emailed to you prior to the event and some awesome swag when you arrive on-site.

Why Choose Close-up?
Because it is going to be a day packed full of information, presented to you by passionate people who love what they do. AND not only is it a chance to learn a little, you will also leave with A TON of gorgeous images on your camera! 
Registration is now open, so if you want to sign up for Close-up Workshop, just click on the "Registration" tab at the top of the page!  We look forward to seeing you there!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


The Close-Up workshop is designed to help new and aspiring photographers sharpen camera skills and acquire gorgeous images.  As we will say many times, our goal is to help YOU learn the skills that YOU will need to have confidence in your work and growing portfolio!  
Please check back to our Facebook and web page often so you can watch the details of this workshop unfold. 
We will announce CONTESTS, SET THEMES and GIVE-AWAYS week after week 
until the workshop date 4-20-13 arrives. 
Thank you again for stopping by and we hope to see you CLOSE-UP!